
This Jupyter notebook describes how to access and visualize Infodengue's datasets using the Python language. For more information about the data and how to cite them, visit here.

To execute this notebook, the following libraries are necessary:

Data query

Infodengue's tables have data aggregated by week, provided by different sources. They could be consulted by a form, or directly from Python, via consult of an API. This functionality is available via the URL: must contain the following parameters:

Every parameter mentioned so far is obligatory for the consultation. The following example shows the requisition of the register of dengue between 1 and 52 of the year 2020, in Rio de Janeiro (geocodigo = 3304557) on CSV:

How to do it using Python?

  1. Define the parameters and verify if the consult is correct:
  1. Consulting:
  1. Plotting examples